YouTube Codes

  • Autoplay

    To make an embedded video autoplay, add "&autoplay=1" to the video’s embed code right after the video ID (the series of letters that follows "embed/").


    Make captions automatically appear for an embedded video by adding "&cc_load_policy=1" to the video's embed code.

    You can also choose a caption language for the embedded video. To specify the caption language for the video that you'd like to embed, just add "&cc_lang_pref=fr&cc_load_policy=1" to the video's embed code.

    • "cc_lang_pref" sets the language for the captions shown in the video.
    • "cc_load_policy=1" turns captions on by default.
    • "fr" represents the language code for French. You can look up 2-letter language codes in the ISO 639-1 standard

    Showing Suggested Videso

    You can no longer turn off the suggested videos that display BUT can limit them to YOUR suggested videos in your YouTube account.  Add ?rel=0 after the video URL in the code.

Finished Source Code

  • <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" "&cc_load_policy=1" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>