• Extracting URLs for Staff Directory with Website Fields

    1. Open your excel csv file for your staff directory
    2. Go to each teacher/faculty channel and select all of the teacher/section names and copy them into your CSV file in a non- used field.
    3. Press Alt F11 and open your Visual Basic Window
    4. Highlight "This Workbook" page and select Insert> Module with the following:
    Function GETURL(HyperlinkCell As Range)

     GETURL = HyperlinkCell.Hyperlinks(1).Address

    End Function

    4.  Click the "X" in the right hand corner of the window to close it.
    5.  In the Field that you want the extracted URL to appear, type in "=GETURL(reference the field that the teacher name lives)" and fill that down all the way for all teacher page references.
    6. When you save this file the first time, save it as a Macro enabled Excel file. Then save again as a CSV.