• What is the Social Media Framework?
    Social Media is really just people interacting to communicate.  This communication could be constructive, critical, humorous, narrative, or otherwise, but it's all just information being shared between people.  And depending on the Social Media tools your Schoolwires website is equipped with, you can use them to increase the communication between your staff, students, parents, and community.
    If you use the Social Media Framework, you may be able to add one or all of the following social media elements to your apps.
    •  Community Editing: Allows visitors to your website to contribute to your app.
    •  Visitor Commenting: Allows visitors to comment on your app.
    •  Visitor Rating: Allows visitors to rate your app.
    •  RSS Feeds: Allows visitors to subscribe to Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds for your app.

    Whether you can add a particular element depends on which settings and elements your Site Administrator has enabled. Site Administrators may enable RSS feeds regardless of whether or not you have Social Media FrameworkYou enable social media elements on the App Options dialog for each app. When enabled, Community Editing and RSS Feeds apply to the entire app and not to individual records within that app.  For example, Community Editing and RSS Feeds apply to the entire File Library rather than to each file within that File Library. So once enabled for that File Library app, visitors can add files to the File Library and if they use the RSS Feed, they will see the entire File Library on their home pages.

    A Site Administrator must enable RSS Feeds for the entire website through a global setting in System Settings in order for you to enable it for your apps.